Welcome to Clean Garbology
Is your trash room in compliance? Maintaining properly working intake doors, compactors and functioning fire doors is paramount for the health, safety, and code compliance of your building
Intake Doors
Do your intake doors close and latch automatically? If the doors do not latch completely on any floor, you will be out of compliance for the entire building. These gaps also allow noxious gases like methane and trisulfanide to be emitted into the air causing odor and disturbing your tenants.
Is there a strong odor? How long has it been since your last Trash Chute wash? If it has been more than a year, grease and gunk has built up along the sides and bottom of the chute. With our unique biodegradable cleaning formula, we have developed a solution to clear the layers of grime away, leaving a pest repelling and pleasant smelling result.
Set up your Total Trash Room Service today!
Every hour, day and week, your building’s Trash Room is used and abused . Build up, grease, and particulates make their way into each intake door causing blockage and odor. Large trash bags fall hundreds of feet rattling against and weakening the sides of the chute. Trash smashes into compactors or containers at the bottom causing harm and disrupting the trash flow. These are the everyday problems we see and correct with our specialized services and personnel. Our Monthly Total Trash Room Service (TTRS) includes frequent inspections to prevent expensive damage that comes when you least expect it. At Green Garbology, it is our mission to help you with long term solutions for your trash needs.
What We Do
Proper trash flow maintenance is often overlooked until there is a fire violation or a blockage in the trash chute. However, a poorly maintained trash flow can result in a lot more than fire (or insurance) violations. Consider what goes into the trash chute on a daily basis—hundreds of pounds of discarded food, paper, and used toiletries. Some of the bags will open on their journey down to the dumpster. Others will leak or tear. Every building has those residents who don’t even bag their trash. All of this falling debris leaves its mark in the way of greasy, odorous sludge on the walls of the chute.
This sludge is a breeding ground for bacteria and also a major source of food for roaches and rodents, who bring their own assortment of disease and germs with them. These unpleasant neighbors can cause respiratory ailments and allergies. Anyone unfortunate enough to cut themselves on a trash chute door, or to touch a door with an open wound on their hand, can end up with a bad infection. The sludge build-up creates another hazard—it is highly combustible, as it contains grease. A small trash room fire can turn into a major conflagration, leaving residents homeless, if not hurt. The chute acts like a chimney, sucking flames and smoke upwards. Trash chute doors that don’t self-close and self-latch allow the fire and smoke to escape into the corridors of the building, making the damage much worse. The most noticeable sign of a sick chute is odor—a signal that bacteria are present.
Green Garbology has seen it all, and will show how these systems function (or don’t function), to educate property management and service staff about how to limit these problems. Mr. Inmon will teach how to keep the trash flow healthy, safe, and compliant in an affordable manner. Mr. Inmon will also discuss sanitary compaction and landfill diversion systems that reduce labor and hauling costs.